With a well-picked medical insurance policy, your out-of-pocket medical expenses should be at a minimum. However, a lot of insurance enrollees overlook important policy options and guidelines that end up costing them more money. If you struggle to make ends meet because your medical costs are too high despite insurance, it may be time for a bit of guidance. Here on our blog, we cover the bases to help people just like you get the most from their medical insurance policy. We discuss things like finding the most affordable in-network providers, keeping co-pay costs as low as possible, and how to save on prescriptions.
3 January 2023
Are you about to get to the age where you will be eligible for Medicare? Are you already enrolled in Medicare but not happy with your current options and looking to make an update or change? One consideration to look into would be to work with a Medicare insurance broker to ensure that make the right choice with your insurance coverage. Here's how a Medicare insurance broker or firm can assist you with this important decision.
21 November 2022
In recent years, high deductible medical coverage insurance has become an increasingly popular option for patients. This type of insurance typically has lower monthly premiums than traditional health insurance but also comes with a higher deductible. Here are three key differences between high deductible medical coverage insurance (HDHP) and traditional health insurance and one bonus you get with an HDHP that you should be aware of before making a decision