With a well-picked medical insurance policy, your out-of-pocket medical expenses should be at a minimum. However, a lot of insurance enrollees overlook important policy options and guidelines that end up costing them more money. If you struggle to make ends meet because your medical costs are too high despite insurance, it may be time for a bit of guidance. Here on our blog, we cover the bases to help people just like you get the most from their medical insurance policy. We discuss things like finding the most affordable in-network providers, keeping co-pay costs as low as possible, and how to save on prescriptions.
14 March 2023
If you qualify for Medicare, you may be wondering which policy is right for you. While many people stick with Original Medicare, there are other options that offer more coverage. If you would like to know more, keep reading. Original Medicare Original Medicare includes Parts A and B. Part A mostly covers hospital stays or skilled nursing facilities. As a result, you won't use it often, and the premium is much lower than Part B.
10 March 2023
Medicare Advantage is a type of Medicare health plan that allows you to combine Original Medicare, Parts A, and B, with a private insurance company. There are many different plans available from different companies. How many different insurance providers offer Medicare Advantage plans in your area can vary greatly; rural areas often only have access to plans from one provider, whereas urban areas often have access to Medicare plans from multiple insurance providers.
9 March 2023
Medicare is a great program, but it's not always enough to cover your healthcare needs. If you're considering retirement and have questions about Medicare, you might find yourself wondering: "What's the difference between Medigap plans and Medicare Supplements?" Or maybe you want to know what Part D means or how it relates to your coverage options. Medicare Supplements Medicare supplements are sold by private insurance companies. They are designed to fill the gaps in Medicare coverage, such as deductibles and copayments, but they also have their own set of benefits that may not be covered under traditional Medicare.
24 January 2023
If you're getting ready to retire, now's the time to prepare for your Medicare application. In most cases, you can start getting Medicare coverage once you reach your 65th birthday. But, there are some exceptions to that. If you're receiving social security benefits due to a disability, you can apply for Medicare earlier than your 65th birthday. If you're ready to apply for Medicare, you do need to avoid mistakes. Some mistakes can cause problems for you later.
16 January 2023
When it comes to individual health insurance, there are a lot of acronyms to know and understand, which can be confusing. PPO, HMO, HDHP, FSA, and HSA are key terms that refer to different types of plans and their associated benefits. It is important to understand each acronym to make an informed choice when selecting an individual health insurance plan. Knowing the difference between these acronyms can help you make sure you are properly covered with the right plan for your needs.